The Haute Alpes (southern alps), Collet d’Ancelle, Saturday 27 August 2022
Rédigé par Enrico Alberini

The Haute Alpes (southern alps) regional gathering in 2022 will take place at Collet d’Ancelle (FR-05-1425), not far from Gap, on Saturday 27 August. As usual, meet from 11.30 onwards for the speeches, then the picnic together, with bread, cheeses and drinks provided. This get-together is in conjunction with the annual gathering of the Cycletourists of the Hautes Alpes.
[osm_map_v3 map_center=”44.6093,6.1705″ zoom=”12.0″ width=”95%” height=”450″ post_markers=”1″ control=”fullscreen,scaleline,mouseposition,overview” bckgrndimg=”GDPR_bckgrnd.png” ]
Organiser : Marie-Francoise NARJOUX, president of the Gap Cycling Club.
Bernard Henry
+33 4 92 44 09 02 – +33 6 08 74 29 59