“Club ami” agreement with the Amicale des cyclos cardiaques
Following the original request by André Liotier, a member of the Club des Cent Cols and the Amicale des cyclos cardiaques, Bernard Giraudeau suggested to the Club’s CA members the signature of a“CLUB AMI“ agreement with the l’Amicale des cyclos cardiaques.
The president of the ACC, Joël Grandjean, received this signed agreement on the 18 February 2023. It will be confirmed by publication in the revue and the “Cœur et Vélo” bulletin n° 155 of June 2023.
We have obtained a preview of the publication :

Why have we signed an agreement with the ACC ?
When in our cycling activity, we speak of “muscular force”, we immediately think of the action of our calf muscles (wrongly) of our thigh muscles and buttocks (rightly), but never of the cardiac muscle. And yet this muscle’s activity is phenomenal, inescapable but is the target of many disabling pathologies.
Finding oneself on the ground after a collision or a mistake in steering most often leaves cyclists with moral, physical or aesthetic after-effects that are transitory. We can see this in l’accidentologie en Haute-Savoie, that the Codep74 sent us and that is on our site (in “La gazette / Pêle-Mêle / Sécurité à vélo“.
Following a fall from the bike, very often, cardiac insufficiency or accident is not suspected. But with a heart condition, the after-effects are not transitory : once identified, the illness requires constant attention constant and becomes an often worrying presence.
The ACC is well aware of this and offers its assistance and expertise to the members of its club “ami”:
Being asked by the President of their Club Ami, the Amicale des Cyclos Cardiaques will be able to get in touch with a Club des Cent Cols member who is the victim of a heart condition, in order to restore his confidence and describe the benefits of moderate cycletouring for cardiovascular health.
At the same time, the ACC publishes a quarterly bulletin with a wealth of medical information and personally lived experiences. It will be put in ʺLa Gazetteʺ on the page ʺAmicale des Cyclos Cardiaquesʺ that is already on the Club des Cent Cols site. This last will be able to publish every other article provided by the Amicale, judged interesting for club members.
Feel free to read every three months, the bulletin “Cœur et vélo” in La Gazette. The latest bulletin, n°154, is here.