Daniel Renaud
Sad Loss for our Club : CC 6056 Daniel Renaud died October 21st, 2024

I offer Maryse the condolences of the Club des Cent Cols and my personal condolences. Daniel was much more than a member of the Club. He was a charming person and excellent company. I considered Daniel as a true friend. I will keep many wonderful memories of the time we spent together during Club trips.
Enrico Alberini CCC Nr 5065
Président of the Club
We met during CCC stays. His power on climbs amazed me. We, people from the north of France, will miss his voice and accent from the south. He was an enthusiastic member of local cycling and ski clubs. They will also miss him. We are thinking of those who are left, his family and especially Maryse. Our hearts go out to you Maryse at such painful moments.
Marie-Rose, Alain Brault CCC Nr 3693
May your last trip be a nice one, Daniel. The Club’s stays will never be the same for me. My sincere condolences to Maryse.
Kris Claeys CCC N°6373
It took me one bike ride to find the courage to react. What can I add to your tributes ? Right from the beginning, he left me stunned on the downhills as he did not keep his hands on the handlebars but left them at his sides as air brakes. Yes Alain, we lost sight of him cycling uphill but reaching the top, we could spot his ONCE jersey waiting for us. Bernard, I remember the quest at Lavagna, parodying Roberto Bénigni and kissing the feet of the maître d’. For the rest, Maryse will be courageous and can count on all of us.
Guy Chaurin CCC Nr 6685
Our sincere condolences to Maryse and her family. We will keep nice memories of Daniel always ready to stop and exchange a few words with all the participants, boosting the group cohesion and friendship. Our hearts go out to Maryse to go through such painful times.
Joëlle CCC Nr 5345 and Gilles Mingat CCC Nr 4442
When Maryse and Daniel were present, Daniel was the one to stand and collect the money for the kitty for the staff of the establishment who welcomed us.
Bernard Giraudeau CCC Nr 3872
Daniel and Maryse came to Praz with lots of little gifts displayed on a table for everybody to pick and choose at the entrance hall where we shared the welcome drink.
It was a friendly gesture that suited him so well.
Hervé Retière CCC Nr 6927
General Secretary of theClub
Such a sad loss. We will never forget Daniel we met during many stays. Our deepest condolences to Maryse and her family.
Didier Rémond CCC Nr 1202
May his soul rest in peace
Henri Dusseau CCC Nr 705
I will keep precious memories of Daniel with whom I shared beautiful Cent Cols stays (Vassieux en Vercors, Argelès sur Mer and Sare). I offer my condolences to Maryse and her family.
Bernard Cardineau CCC Nr 5591
Daniel has left us too early. It was always a pleasure to meet him and Maryse during our stays. We were lucky to welcome them at our regional Northen Alps meeting on 26 June 2017. As an inhabitant of Cannes, Maryse had come to celebrate her 1000th col de la Croisette on Mont Salève.
Guy Harlé CCC Nr 5193
Deepest condolences to Maryse and her family. Courage to you all. We will keep nice memories of Daniel.
Willy et Brigitte CCC Nr 2749
We send our sincere condolences to Maryse. May you find the courage to go through this difficult time.
Martine CCC Nr 7189 et Gilbert Dufaud CCC Nr 7058