DE-BW The Black Forest Niederweiler North – Gravel 57 Km, Gravel, 11 cols
Author description
Author: Jean-Luc Ceccato
Route completed on 11 June 2022
Start: Niederweiler, exit east of Müllheim, Weilletalstasse along the River Weiler. Near the Hotel Wartek. Height: 292 m
General description
Niederweiler lies on the edge of the Black Forest. The surrounding countryside, which is covered by this route, offers beautiful views of the town of Mülheim and the Rhine plain on either side of the river.
11 cols
1 Muggardter Hôhe DE-BW-0402a
2 Nussbaumplatz DE-BW-0540b
3 Rimseck DE-BW-0647
4 Kohlplatz DE-BW-0582a
5 Sattelplatz DE-BW-0610c
6 Riestersattel DE-BW-0680c
7 Gabler Eck DE-BW-0797
8 Gutmännerspass DE-BW-0712a
9 Heubronner Eck DE-BW-0814
10 Auf der Eck DE-BW-0847
11 Sirnitzsattel DE-BW-1071a
Technical description
Niederweiler lies on the edge of the Black Forest. The surrounding countryside, which is covered by this route, offers beautiful views of the town of Mülheim and the Rhine plain on either side of the river.
Openrunner link, interactive map, profile, gpx track
Key words: Foret Noire, Niederweiler , Mülheim, centcols
This itinerary is provided for information only. The author accepts no liability, nor that of the Club des Cent Cols, for the imponderables caused by the cyclist himself, the equipment used or anything to do with the road, its surroundings or other road users.
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