Indicative registration of pass lists
Members of the Club des Cent Cols make annual declarations of the passes they have climbed, by sending a list to their territorial delegate (DT). In the past, the Club has not recorded these declarations, and there is therefore no centralised register. This data can be useful, so Members have now been given the option of registering their full lists themselves. This document explains why and how. This “indicative” registration should not be confused with the official online declaration of passes, which is the subject of specific documentation.
In the ccWay waypoint app, members have always had the option to save a list of the codes of the passes which they have climbed. From this, they can get area files listing only the passes already climbed, the passes not yet done, or all passes differentiated. The new system of pass registration takes over these functions.
Now, as well as ccWay, a new Club initiative uses passes registered by members themselves. These are the “brevets routiers“. For these brevets, passes already climbed in the past can obviously
be counted. There is no need to have them checked again by the DTs. Members should therefore be able to register these passes themselves.
This indicative registration therefore differs from the official declaration of new passes, which is checked by a DT. The two processes are therefore completely distinct, and it is essential to take this into account. After registration, however, all passes will be visible in ccWay and for the brevets, whether old and “indicative” or new and officially declared.
Starting principle
The use of ccWay is central to this new system of pass registration. In ccWay, code lists have never been checked and have always therefore been under the sole responsibility of members. This principle has been kept with this new system of registration, and all pass codes that members have previously entered in ccWay have now been entered into a new database. Except that in ccWay it was possible to enter codes which did not correspond to any pass (since this was not verified). These meaningless codes have not been included in the new database. At the launch of this new system, the passes thus registered are listed for each member on the page of his or her cols. If needed, see some questions and answers at the end of this document.
Preparing a list to register
To register an indicative list of passes, you must prepare it in the form of file. This is done for example in Calc or Excel. The only data that is required for each pass is its code. Contrary to the official statement, neither the name nor the altitude is required as this is not subject to verification. After the code of a col (separated by comma, semicolon, or tab), you can show the date when you first climbed the pass, either the year alone, the month (number) and year, or full date with day, month and year, separated by dashes, slashes or full stops. Examples: 2011 or 05-2012 or 17-6-2013. You may also add the year in which the col was counted on your official list, but in this case you must first specify the date of passage (do not confuse the two dates). Finally, the data must appear in one to three columns.
Registering your list
On the club website, you can find the passes you have climbed at this address:
You must log in as a member to reach this page. In the menu that appears, there is a section for the registration of “autres cols” (other passes). Here, there is a large box in which you can paste your list of passes. The data must be separated by commas, semicolons, or tabs, as explained above. At the bottom of the page is a button to export this list. Your list will be automatically analysed to show whether the codes submitted have been found in the club database and if they have already been registered in your personal list. You can then choose to add these passes or replace those already present. If a pass has already officially declared, it is not possible, but also not necessary to replace it.
After checking this display, it is possible to go back to correct your list as necessary. Otherwise, all you have to do is click on the button to save the list. You can then again check that everything has been correctly registered by consulting your personal list of passes (“cols faits” in the menu).
Questions and Answers (FAQ)
Question: On the overview of my passes, I see that my registered passes are less numerous than
those officially counted on my membership file. Why?
Answer: The passes declared in the past have not been registered by the Club. The indicative list of registered passes is therefore left to the responsibility of the members themselves. Initially, this list was filled in with the codes stored in ccWay, but this list may well have been incomplete. It may even be that it contained incorrect codes or (for border passes) several codes for the same pass. These are all reasons why the registration of old passes is qualified as indicative. It is up to the members themselves to take care and ensure it is correct.
Q: I have understood the above correctly and I am sure that I have recorded all the codes of the passes I have climbed. And yet I still don’t get the same number as on my membership sheet. How is this possible?
A: The passes officially declared and counted on the membership sheet are not all included in the club database of valid passes. Firstly, there are those which have been declared in countries (or regions) not yet possessing an official catalogue. So they were counted despite the fact that they did not have codes and in some cases perhaps were not completely in conformity with the current Rules of the Game: hence will never have a code. There are also those passes which have featured in a catalogue and been declared but subsequently deleted. For some countries these passes have been documented with a status of “S” (suppressed); for others the documentation of deletions still has to be completed (for example from the Italian regional catalogues). In these two cases, if the member has not subtracted them from his total, a difference will remain with the passes in the database that can be registered on an “indicative” list.
Q: Why don’t some countries have regional brevets?
A: It has been decided that all countries with less than 10 road cols will only have a national brevet but no regional brevets. For a few other countries, the national working group has taken this decision. As in any game or challenge, there must be rules …
Q: In one of my brevets, I see a col that is in fact prohibited. Do I have to climb it?
A: Our database is not perfect! In such a case, send an email to and it will be reviewed. If a col becomes newly forbidden, then it will be removed from the brevet (this is the exception to the rule that a brevet is defined once and for all at the time of registration).
Q: I have just climbed new cols for a brevet. I would like to register them, but without my DT having to check them immediately: this need not happen until he receives all my passes for the year in December.
A: Make a partial claim. That will always be because it is too early in the year to send a final claim for that year.
Q: The dates that I have entered in my list have been into the ‘description’ column rather than being considered as dates. What can I do about this?
A: Make sure that the dates are in the correct format (see above). In particular, months should always be shown as numbers and years with 4 figures (so that there can be no confusion between days and years).