ES-GR Pico del Veleta – Gravel 102 km, D+ 3005 m, 9 cols
Author’s description
Author: Philippe Garcia
Route: completed on 9/19/2016.
Start: Granada, along the Rio Genil, Calle Puente Verde. Höhe: 700 m
General description
The Sierra Nevada (snowy mountain range, in Spanish) is a massif oriented east-west. It was formed at the same time as the Alps during the collision of the African and Eurasian plates. Pico del Veleta ( 3396 m ) is the third highest Spanish peak and is located at the western end of the range, above the city of Granada. The “highest road in Europe” (the title is disputed!) climbs almost to the top. A few satellite cols add to the cycling appeal of Pico del Veleta.
The ascent to Pico Veleta is included in this tour.
There are hotels along the road that allow you to split the climb into two parts.
9 cols (4 of which are above 3000 m and 4 above 2000 m)
1 Collado del Muerto ES-GR-1491
2 Collado de la Cariguela del Veleta ES-GR-3201
3 Collado del Lobo ES-GR-3119
4 La Puerta ES-GR-3124
5 Portillo de los Crestones de Rio Seco ES-GR-3089
6 Collado de las Yuegas ES-GR-2856
7 Collado del Diablo ES-GR- 2330
8 Collado de las Sabinas ES-GR-2180
9 Collado de las Sabinillas ES-GR-2035
Technical description
The route consists of 84 km of road, 10 km of track, 6 km of junction track between the ski slopes of the Pradollano resort and finally 1 km of cycle track. The use of a Gravel is no problem.
Key words : Andalousie, Grenade, Pico del Veleta, collado del Veleta, centcols
Openrunner link, interactive map, profile, gpx track :
This itinerary is offered as an indication. The author disclaims his responsibility and that of the Club des Cent Cols by virtue of imponderables due to the cyclist himself, the equipment used and everything concerning the road, tracks and paths, their surroundings and other users of them.
Here, a exhaustive overview of the Club des Cent cols member courses.
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