FAQs – The Club

What is the Club des Cent Cols?

It is a club for cycletourists, founded in 1972, to bring together those with a passion for cycling in the mountains, with the aim of collecting cols.

How do I join?

You need to have climbed at least 100 different cols, at least 5 of which should have an altitude of 2000m or more. You then need to make a list of them, and send it to the Club Secretary, along with your initial subscription fee. See Rules of the Game.

Do I need to show proof of my cols?

No proof is required. The key principle of the Club is trust.

Who should I send my list to?

Your first list should be sent to the Club Secretary.

How much does It cost to join?

To join the Club costs 20 euros. For this you receive a diploma, a medal and a copy of the current Revue. Subsequent years cost 15 euros, a sum that is reviewed from time to time.

Once I have joined the Club, who do I send my annual subscriptions to?

Annual subscriptions should be sent to the Territorial or National Delegate (DT or DN) corresponding to the area where you live or paid by bank transfer, in which case they must communicate the payment to the delegates themselves. (See Contact).

Who is a DT (Or DN)?

Territorial Delegates  (DéléguésTerritoriaux) and National Delegates receive and check members’ annual lists, and update the ‘Tableau d’Honneur’ (see below). The word ‘territorial’ is used in France because each ‘territory’ includes a number of ‘departements’. A DT does not necessarily live in the territory that he represents.

Must I pay an annual subscription even if I haven’t climbed any cols in that year?

To remain an ‘active member’ and benefit from the Club’s services, you need to pay your subscription whether or not you submit a list of cols.

What is the ‘TABLEAU D’HONNEUR’?

It is the list of active members, with their total number of cols and their annual subscription payment, and is published in each year’s Revue.

Can I access my personal member file?

Each member can consult their personal file on the Club’s website, and modify their details. Only their DT or DN can modify the number of cols, however. (Member log-in).

Does the Club organise get-togethers?

Each year the Club organises week long  ‘séjours’ giving members the chance to meet and share their common passion. Traditionally, in summer, an international assembly is held at the top of a col chosen for its beauty and tranquillity. These séjours alternate between the four principal mountainous areas of France (Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central and Vosges) with occasional forays into neighbouring countries (Spain, Italy and Switzerland so far). See sejours

Is there a calendar of club events?

The Club doesn’t do weekly rides – that is not its function, unlike a local club. Our members meet at our séjours, regional get-togethers, assemblies, or informally.  (See Calendar).

Is there a club jersey or other club-branded articles?

The Club has a range of cycling clothes and badges.


How do i get in touch with other members?

Apart from face to face contact at our séjours, the Club has an online Discussion List on which members can contact each other.

Discussion list

Does the club issue FFCT membership?

The Club is affiliated to the FFCT, and so can issue memberships. However, this is rather the responsibility of local clubs with FFCT affiliation.


How many members are there in the club?

Since the Club was founded in 1972, there have been more than 7800 members, including the 2000 currently active.

I have not paid my subscription for several years. If Iwant to be a member again, do I have to rejoin?

The membership number given to you when you join is yours for life. Members are never removed from the Club file. Therefore, all you need to do to reactivate your membership is to send your subscription to your DT or DN, and you will once again be able to receive all the services offered by the Club.

Can I count more cols than 100?

Yes, each year, by updating your list. You only need to follow the rule of five 2000m cols per hundred. A diploma is available for members who have reached a significant number, starting with 500, then each 1000 cols.

I don’t have enough 2000m cols. Must I stop sending in my annual list?

No, your cols will still be registered, even if you haven’t maintained the ‘quota’ of 2000m cols. Only the ‘Tableau d’Honneur’  in the Revue will show your total number limited by your number of 2000m cols. Once the number of 2000m cols rises, the total number will rise automatically, according to the rule.

I am not French. Can I join the club?

Yes, the Club is open to all nationalities.

Where can I find the addresses of the club’s officers?

On the Contacts  page of our website you can find the email addresses of all the Club’s officers, as well as the postal addresses of our DTs and DNs.

How can I help the club?

The Club can always use members’ abilities, in several areas – séjours, IT etc. If you are interested, please contact the Secretary. Every four years, you can stand for election to our Administrative Council (CA). The appeal for candidates is made in our InfoCC newsletter.

Can I vote?

Each paid-up member can vote every year on the three reports (moral, activity and financial) that are presented at our AG. Every four years, you can also vote for candidates to the CA. Other votes are sometimes held on matters of sufficient importance.