FR-06 Tende East – MTB 79 Km, D+2539m – 20 cols
Author’s description
Author: René Rial
Route: completed on 07/09/2016
Start: The southern exit from the village of Tende, on the D6204. Alt : 824 m
General description
The municipalities of Tende and La Brigue are located in the extreme east of the Alpes Maritimes, bordering with Liguria and Piedmont. The numerous military works encountered along the way are witnesses to an eventful history in this area. The Sanctuary Notre-Dame-des-Fontaines of La Brigue (km 10.2) has a remarkable fresco dating from the 15th century.
Many panoramas are offered along the way.
20 cols
1 Col Linaire FR-06-1430
2 Baisse de Sanson Ouest FR-06-1694 Bassa di Sanson IT-IM-1685b
3 Baisse de Sanson Est FR-06-1680a Colla di Sanson IT-IM-1696
4 Pas de Colle Ardente FR-06-1599 Passo di Collardente IT-IM-1600
5 Baisse des Fraches FR-06-1599a Baisse Fraches IT-IM-1599
6 Col de la Lariée FR-06-1956
7 Pas du Tanarel FR-06-2045 Passo del Tanarello IT-CN-2045
8 Col de Gravairole FR-06-2250 Col de Gravairole IT-CN-2250
9 Col Roux FR-06-2175 Colla Rossa IT-CN-2175
10 Col de l’Evêque FR-06-2161 Col de l’Evêque IT-CN-2161
11 Col de la Celle Vieille FR-06-2099 Col de Celle Vieille IT-CN-2099
12 Col des Seigneurs FR-06-2111 Colle dei Signori IT-CN-2111
13 Col de Marguareis FR-06-2085
14 Col de Chevolail FR-06-2235
15 Col de la Boaïra FR-06-2102 Colle della Boaria IT-CN-02102
16 Col de la Perle FR-06-2086 Col de la Perle IT-CN-2086
17 Colletto Campanino IT-CN-2142
18 Col de Cannelle FR-06-1882 Col de Cannelle IT-CN-1882
19 Col de Tende Est FR-06-1890 Col de Tende Est IT-CN-1890
20 Col de Tende Ouest FR-06-1871 Colle di Tenda IT-CN-1871
Colle di Capoves FR-06-2207 Colle di Capoves IT-CN-2212 (off the track, 30 m to the right, 5 m higher, off the path)
Technical description
After Notre-Dame-des-Fontaines, we go up by a long and beautiful road track (R1/2) until the Pas de Tanarel. Then follows a series of cols on mostly rideable paths only requiring some pushing (sometimes difficult) until the Col de Celle Vieille (S2/3). Then we again find a road track R1/2 until the road Col de Tende. A series of 48 hairpins leads back to the village of Tende.
Key Words : Centcols,Tende,Tenda,Saint Dalmas de Tende, La Brigue,
Openrunner link, interactive map, profile, gpx track:
This itinerary is offered as an indication. The author disclaims his responsibility and that of the Club des Cent Cols by virtue of imponderables due to the cyclist himself, the equipment used and everything concerning the road, tracks and paths, their surroundings and other users of them.
Here, a exhaustive overview of the Club des Cent Cols member courses.
Album photo :
The ridges of Tende