FR-2B In the heart of the Agriate Desert – Gravel 35Km, D+714m, 8 cols
Author’s description
Author: Bernard Giraudeau
Course: completed in 2012
Start: parking area near the Domaine de l’Ostriconi on the T30. Alt: 9 m
Tourist description
The Agriates Desert, a patatoid protuberance on the north-western coast of Corsica, was once a fertile cultivated land (agriate comes from agrarian). The scarcity of water did not permit permanent human occupation. The 15,000 hectare site between St-Florent and the Ostriconi valley is beautiful from the point of view of both the coastline and the interior of the massif.
To see in particular the old sheepfolds of Terrice at km 24.5 on the left and “l’Oriu” at km 34.2 on the right.
6 cols
1 – Bocca di Vezzu FR-2B-0311
2 – Bocca della Speranza FR-2B-0360
3 – Bocca di Petraiolu FR-2B-0357
4 – Bocca di Tedulacciu FR-2B-0306
5 – Bocca Teghie FR-2B-0313
6 – Bocca di Vitucola FR-2B-0292
7 – Collu di Puricciolu FR-2B-0159
8 – Bocca di Mercuriu FR-2B-0121
Technical description
There are 12 km of road and 22 km of tracks on this route. Only the ascent to Bocca di Petraiolu presents a short difficulty. It is possible, in some seasons, that the weir of the Cannuta pond makes the passage in the 500 m impracticable. Check this point before the departure!
Key words: Corse, Agriates, Ostriconi, Casta, centcols
Openrunner link, interactive map, profile, gpx track:
This itinerary is offered as an indication. The author disclaims his responsibility and that of the Club des Cent Cols by virtue of imponderables due to the cyclist himself, the equipment used and everything concerning the road, tracks and paths, their surroundings and other users of them.
Here, a exhaustive overview of the Club des Cent Cols member courses.