Guide to using KML/KMZ files
KMZ format files are available for download for the routes organised by the Club des Cent Cols. These files are in the format used especially by Google Earth (free), but other mapping software can also be used. When you click on the name of a KMZ file, your internet browser will display an open file dialog. You can then choose:
- choose “ouvrir avec” and (if installed correctly) Google Earth or possibly other software will launch and open the file.
- choose “enregistrer le fichier” and indicate where this file will be saved; you can then open the saved file whenever you want and possibly also with different software.
Once Google Earth is launched, you will see in the left navigation bar the circuits contained in the file. You must check one of these circuits to see it displayed. By checking only one circuit, it is displayed, but this circuit can be (partially) outside the display area. It is then necessary to double-click on the name of the circuit so that it is displayed in full, the position and the zoom of the display being adapted.
KML files are used in much the same way as KMZ. The difference is that the KMZs are compressed and can actually contain multiple KMLs.