FFCT licenses at the Club des Cent Cols
The Club des Cent Cols FFCT has 116 members as of 1 May 2023.
The comparison of the number of licensees between 2017 and 2023 shows
- a regression between the years 2017 and 2020,
- then, a reversal of the curve in 2021 and then a constant progression today to reach 28 new members in the club including 7 new members of the club and new members of the FFCT

The policy of the Club des Cent Cols in this area has never been to try to poach members with a local club to obtain more FFCT licences. But rather to
- poaching CCC members who are registered as individual members of the FFCT
- convince non-FFCT members to become members.
Hervé Retière, secretary of the Club des Cent Cols, implements this policy based on a close relationship with the members and explains his method to us:
- For the transfer of “Individual Members” of the FFCT to the Club des Cent Cols, I contacted them individually.
- Some members asked me for a discount code for openrunner even though I noticed that they did not belong to a club on their membership form. I took the opportunity to contact them and convince them to join the CCC with its major advantages (insurance, safety aspect, price of the licence, conviviality of the club and also the fight to keep the Challenge de France trophy acquired in 2022).
- Other members who belonged to a club that died out in 2023 (non-reaffiliation of the club) came to join us.
- Finally, I met members in Loudéac on the courses and at the drinks reception I organised at the Semaine Fédérale. Often they did not know that there was an FFCT club within our Confrérie (word of mouth principle!!!).
In the end, the 2022 membership renewal was thus achieved with an increase of almost 30 memberships despite a loss of 5 members (2 due to age, 2 due to SF organisation and one person who joined a local club).”