Friends links

Rédigé par Enrico Alberini

The cycling websites of Club members

They maintain their websites, for themselves or for their clubs, with the same passion…the bike!

The lists of cols presented on these sites are solely the work of their authors
The 100 Cols Club does not endorse any of them
The 100 Cols Club publishes its own lists of cols according to its ‘Rules of the Game’

Fédérations, Confréries et  Amicales :



  • OCD : Ordre des Cols Durs in the UK  (anglais)
  • BIG : Site du challenge BIG
  • Le Club Cyclotouriste de la Riviera de notre ami Pierre-Henri Mai
  • The Rough Stuff Fellowship : founded in 1955 (« long before anyone had ever heard of Marin County ») this fellowship brings together those who leave the well-trodden paths and tarmacked roads (in English)


  •  Carsten’s Cycling Web : Carsten Gregersen is a great cycle traveller, and his site is dedicated to mountain cycling and includes accounts of his journeys, mainly in the Alps (English and Danish)
  • Trento Bike Pages : links to all the countries of Europe and some countries of the Maghreb. Andreas Caranti maintains one of the best sites dedicated to cycle touring (English)
  • Masterlyinactivity accounts of cycle journeys in Mexico, Guatemala, Peru… (English)



Anything to add, or change? Write to Cent Cols: