Diversity and parity; women in organisational frameworks.
In my last article, I stressed the necessity of making the first step and volunteering for committee memberships and posts in clubs, CODEPs and COREGS, and the FFCT when they make the call for candidates.
Since I wrote that, most AGMs have taken place.

Lydie Chenot
Today, I salute a successful woman candidate, a member of the directing committee of the FFCT, women’s commission, Lydie Chenot of the Grand Est region and Club des Cent Cols.
At the FFCT AGM at Niort on the 11 and 12 December 2022, she presented the report on diversity and parity.
As it happens, a new directive of the sport laws proposes parity between the sexes when the governing bodies of sports federations are renewed.
A reminder
- Parity = 50% men, 50% women
- Diversity = 30% women
You can see the report ‘Diversity and Parity’ on page 50 of the FFCT revue and on the Ffvelo.fr website.
The revue also celebrates the 50 years of the Club des Cent Cols on pages 24 and 25.
I should also mention Nadine Giraudeau who was at the FFCT AGM at Niort to represent the Club des Cent Cols and to run the club’s stand there.
A statistic : in CODEPs and COREGs there are only 15% women, many of whom are secretaries.
During the workshop debate on this subject of diversity and parity various parameters were discussed for retaining women and meeting the need for their experience in our organisational frameworks.
To attract new club members (speed on group rides – social media – family friendliness – club websites…).
This subject is becoming evident in our frameworks. The longevity of our clubs depends on it.
In my own CODEP63, there was only one candidate for the renewal of our committee. He will replace the outgoing treasurer who left in 2021. I was elected to succeed the president who also left in 2021. I had been secretary since 1995.
There is a crisis of volunteering in our associations, and in the offices of the Club des Cent Cols as well.
It is something that must be highlighted in our associations.
2023 will be a year of cycling in the Puy de Dome department, with the Tour de France’s visit, and the start of the Tour Feminin in Clermont-Ferrand.
And the accent will be on women during the Fete du Velo on the 13 and 14 May.
It is up to everyone to give a little more if things are to get better.
Françoise VALLUCHE ccc 6808.