Summer stay in Vogüe, 29 June to 06 July 2024

Rédigé par Enrico Alberini

Du 29 juin 2024 au 06 juillet 2024

Enrico Alberini, Jean Luc Matte, Christophe Badonnel and the IT group have contributed to this page presenting the stay.

Only 3 full-board places available

The 2024 summer stay will take place from 29 Juneto 06 July 2024 in the Ardèche départment. It has been prepared by a small team  : Corinne Dameron, Roland Dameron and Bernard Pommel.

We will be staying in the holiday village”Domaine Lou Capitelle”.

Cyclist :

Presentation of the region :

Located in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, nestled in the heart of the picturesque countryside ofthe southern Ardèche, Vogüe was built to be sheltered from the winds, at the foot of fifty metre high cliffs along the river Ardèche.

Close to the Ardèche gorge, this pretty villageis listed among the”Plus beaux villages de France”and is recognised for its outstanding natural setting, its mediaeval architecture andits atmosphere of authenticity.

There are traces of prehistoric human occupation,although it wasn’t until the Middle Agesthat the village grew significantly. Founded by the lords of Vogüe in the12 th century, it quickly developed around the castle. This is one of the village’s historic jewels, rebuilt in the 17th century, and is open to the public, with several exhibition rooms. A short distance from the castle is Sainte Marie’s church, built on the site of a Bendictine abbey. It was completely rebuilt in 1691, after the wars of religion.

Walking along its narrow lanes, one can’t fail to notice its stone houses, typical of the area. Some of the houses date from the 17 th century. Until 1940, stonemasons dug the blue stone of Vogüe. They lived in the rue des balcons where the stone stairs are witness to their craftmanship.

Today, the village lives mainly by tourism thanks to its three labels : Plus beau village de France, Village de caractère and the Via Ardèche.

From Domaine Lou Capitelle, you can go in search of the marvels of the Cévennes ardéchoises, the massif du Tanargue, the plateau du Mézenc or the Gerbier de Jonc. You will find the Ardèche gorge, the famous Pont d’Arc, the Chauvet grotto, the villages of Joyeuse, Largentière and the castles of Montréal, and of Joannas.

You will taste criques, caillettes, the maoche and the many specialities based on the chestnut, another emblem of this beautiful country. You’ll finish your meal with a picodon, washed down with syrah or viognier, followed by a macaron de Joyeuse, a speciality of the town since 1851.

Last but not least, there will be cols, more than 60 as many road as off-road.

A la découverte du village de l’Ardèche


Road rides:

Road ride mapping

Mountain-bike rides:

Mountain-bike ride mapping

The annual international meeting Jean Perdoux

The traditional annual international assembly will take place on Sunday 30 June 2024 from 11H00 at the community of Juvinas close to the col de Juvinas FR-07-0718.

A buffet apéritif will be served there and all our members can enjoy it, not only those who have taken full board. All you need to do is book the picnic lunch (see the booking page).

Vue du col en drone


The Domaine Lou Capitelle will welcome us to the heart  of an exceptional riverside site facing the limestone cliffs that begin the Gorges de l’Ardèche. You’ll stay in 18m2 rooms with twin single bed sand seperate bathrooms. Single rooms are available. Bed linen and towels will be provided, and will be changed once during the stay. Meals (breakfast and dinner) will be taken in a panoramic restaurant with a unique view over the village of Vogüe.

You’ll also have free access to an interior swimming pool with whirlpool bath, massage jets, jacuzzi. Don’t forget to bring your costume (swimming trunks not allowed).

The relaxing area hammam and sauna are available for a supplement.

Here is the address:
Domaine Lou Capitelle
470 rue du Pigeonnier
07200 Vogüe

Other Accommodation:
Camping Oasis des Garrigues
290 chemin de l’Auzon
07200 Vogüe


It you are considering booking an accommodation different from those suggested, think of subscribing to ‘Solidarity Fund’ for us :

  1. to be able to organize the events offered to the participants (information sessions, welcome and farewell drinks),
  2. to be able to offer the Cent Cols booklet on Praz-sur-Arly stay
  3. to share out the preparation and organisation cost equally between all the participants.


Please download the PDF format booking form from the internet link you’ll find below. Note that the form comprizes 2 pages : the Booking Form itself (please fill it in completely and sign it) and the particular conditions which you should also sign. If you intend to come with your partner, please subscribe them as an associate member with your DT and don’t forget to put their associate member number in the appropriate place on the form.

All the participants must subscribe to the ‘Solidarity Fund’, whatever the choice they make (full board, ‘7 evening meals only’ or ‘participants only’ (i.e those who arrange for their own accommodation and meals) with the exception of the associate members (Cent Cols board decision of 26 September 2020). This Solidarity Fund corresponds to all the services the participants will benefit from : cost of preparing the week and its circuits, producing the maps and trombinoscope that will be put on display, the welcome and farewell drinks, the booklet, organizing members’companions’activities, insurance, etc.

Please remember that the stays are made available only for Cent Cols members, which means your yearly membership fee must be updated before you send your booking form.

You can choose from the following formulas :
• ‘Full board’ for 527 €, plus the Solidarity Fund for 16 €, for a total sum of 543 € ;
• ‘7 evening meals only’ for 164 €, if you arrange your own accommodation, but wish to dine with your friends. You must add the Solidarity Fund for 16 €, for a total sum of 180 € ;
• Optional subscription to Gritchen insurance (2.34 % of the subscription cost with a minimum of 8 € per person or 16 € per couple) ;
• ‘Solidarity Fund’ for 16 € if you arrange your own accommodation and meals.

If, and only if, you do not have FFCT insurance, you must subscribe to the compulsory insurance on the form for 7 euros. You can pay by cheque or by bank transfer to the Club’s account. Because of the additional costs required by Paypal, we do not accept this form of payment.

If you are a couple, one of which is an associate member and not a member of the FFCT, and you want to take out Gritchen insurance, choose two packages at 527 €, a package for organisational costs at 16 €, i.e. a total of 1070 €, add the Gritchen insurance at 2.34% x 1070 € = 25.03 € (which is higher than the minimum of 16 €) and the non-FFCT insurance at 7 €, i.e. a total of 1102.03 €

The acceptance of bookings will be taken in the order of payment, whether by cheque or by bank transfer. For the former, it is the postmark which counts, for the second, please send a copy of the transfer with your booking. If the stay is fully booked, a waiting list will be put in place, and acceptance will operate in the same way as the direct bookings.

If you have not already sent your photo for the trombinoscope, and would like to be on it, tick the appropriate box on the booking form and send your photo in jpg format by email.

Further information will be put on the Club’s website in due course. For each new piece of information, the person responsible for holiday weeks will put a notification on the message board. If you would like to receive these mails, and have not already joined the message board, we invite you to do so.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the person responsible : +33 6 78 87 33 67

Télécharger le bulletin / download the booking form / scarica il modulo

Bulletin d’Inscription Vogüe en français

Booking form Vogüe in English

Modulo d’iscrizione Vogüe in italiano

Conditions générales assurance Gritchen

Gritchen couverture Covid 19

The last date for receipt of bookings is 14/05/2024 .

You can leaf through the booklet HERE. It will be given to the participants upon arrival. You’ll find the welcome message, the information on the area to discover, the map directions, a reminder on safety measures and a detailed presentation of the circuits.

In this digital version, you can view the cols on a map and display their photos by clicking on the code for each pass (on pages 10,11 and 36,37 of the provisional road and mountain bike programme).

Other activities or visits

    • Aubenas : the château of Aubenas also known as the château of Montlaur, Dôme St-Benoit, the Delichères house, a gothic building decorated with gargoylescarved insandstone, the Saint-Laurent church, hôtel Goudard-Ruelle, the chapel of the Cordeliers and its creme de marron (Sabaton, Imbert).
    cité d’AubenasThe massif of Tanargue is bounded by three valleys : the Beaume, the Borne and the Lignon. Itextendsto the south west of the Ardèche départment, close to the Gard and the Lozère (its highest pointis the Grand Tanargue at 1511 metres).The Maison du Parc, the Maison des Monts d’Ardèche, at the heart of the Domaine de Rochemure in the community of Jaujac.To find the three sources that give birth to the longest river in France : the LoireClimb the most famous’suc’in the Ardèche that rises to 1551 metresThe Maison de site of Gerbier de Jonc“Inhabited”by strange and inimitable sculptures fromlimestone blocks broken and deformedby erosion. Enigmatic and bewitching, this mineral and vegetal chaos invites exploration.
    • Various
    Take the road from Vallon Pont-d’Arc to Saint-Martin-d’Ardèche : 29 km, it overlooks the gorge on theleft bank, with 11 observation points providedDescend the gorge in a kayak starting from Vogüe

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