Spring Séjour at Todtmoos (Black Forest) from 19 to 26 May 2023
Du 19 mai 2023 au 26 mai 2023
Enrico Alberini and the IT and séjours officers have contributed to this page presenting the séjours
COVID 19 Rules
These rules may change from now to the start of the séjour. At the moment there are no rules concerning the sharing of a room by two people.
The prices agreed between the Club and our hosts are based on double rooms and two single rooms that are subject to a supplement.
For the first time the Club is organising a séjour in Germany. We will be staying in Todtmoos, a village of Bade-Wurtenberg located in the Black Forest. The circuits will be spread all around this base. They will all require drives to the start of a few dozen minutes except for one of them for which the jouney to the start will take 50 minutes.
Todtmoos is a paradise for snowshoeing, hiking and mountainbiking thanks to numerous footpaths leading to magnificent viewpoints.
Our accommodation will be in three establishments close to each other.
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You’ll find below the following pages :
- Presentation of the region
- The circuits
- Accommodation
- The Administrative Council’s Note
- Booking, with a location map
- Other activities or visits
Presentation of the region
For the first time the Spring Séjour will take place on the other side of the Rhine, in the Black Forest
Located in the land of Bade-Wurtemberg, one of the biggest lande of Germany with more than 10.000 inhabitants, the Black Forest is a mountainous massif 140 km long and 60 km wide. It extends over 6000 km². It is bordered to the west by France and to the south by Switzerland.
The Black Forest is above all known for its fermes typiques with its half-moon roofs, its gâteaux appelés Forêt-noire, its jambon de la Forêt-Noire, its gnomes, its kirsch (kirschwasser) and its pendules à coucou.
At Todtmoos, the original Todtmooser Lebkuchen (spice cakes) are made according to a traditional recipe of 1900, that comes from the local history museum.
At that time, theTodtmooser Lebkuchen were also called “pilgrim’s cakes” because they were given to pilgrims as a little meal on the return journey from a long prayer. Even today, the Todtmooser Lebkuchen rich in honey and and vegan friendly are a welcome refreshment during a walk.
Todtmoos was mentioned for the first time in a document of 1267.At gthat time, there were only a few cabins and a chapel of Notre Dame.
An old legend tells of the foundation of Todtmoos. The Virgin appeared to the priest Dietrich de Rickenbach in 1255, asking him to become a hermit at the place known as Schönenbühl sited between the River Wehra and the stream of Totenbach, to there cut down a tree and build a chapel. Dietrich followed these orders and the place soon became a pilgrimage site. The Saint-Blaise abbey acquired the place in 1319 and the number of pilgrims grew considerably.
Todtmoos is located in the south of the high Forêt-Noire in the high Wehratal . The municipal area comprises 13 districts and goes from an altitude of 700 m in the Wehratal to 1263 m at Hochkopf . Todtmoos borders the Hotzenwald . The towns of Fribourg and Bâle are about 50 km distant. Regular buses from Südbadenbus link Todtmoos to Bad Säckingen, St. Blasien, Rickenbach and Todtnau.
Each day, from Saturday to Thursday, A road circuit and an MTB circuit will be offered, some with variants.
This page will be completed later
Contrary to what we find in France, holiday villages do not exist in Germany. Those taking part will be accommodated in three neighbouring establishments :
Hotel Maien, Hauptstrasse. 2, 79682 Todtmoos Allemagne.
Tel. +49 (0)7674 222 Site Email
Hotel Waldwinkel, Schwimmbadweg 3, 79682 Todtmoos Allemagne.
Tel. +49 (0)7674 929 Site Email
Gasthaus Roseneck, Hauptstrasse. 7, 79682 Todtmoos Allemagne.
Tel. +49 (0)7674 8735 Site Email

Car Parking
The hotels Maien and Waldwinkel have a few parking spaces.
The Roseneck does not have any parking spaces but nearby there is a public car park and after the Waldwinkel, there are many parking spaces.

Parking for caravans and camping cars in Todtmoos
For those who wish to come by caravan or Camping car there is parking area for camping cars.
Jägermatt 4, 79682 Todtmoos
Tel. +49 (0)7674 84 839 Site Email
Organisation costs package.
The cost of a sejour is not limited to room and board. As well, our hosts charge us for rooms for bike storage, for the shop and for rooms with sound systems for our presentations, talks and functions. Often the welcome and farewell drinks are charged for by the number of people present. Amongst other expenses there are the production and printing of the guide book, the trombinoscope and posters, as well as the preparatory work in visting the accommodation, preparing the rides, and reconnaissance on the ground.
For a séjour like this one at Todtmoos for example, this adds up to several dozens of euros per participant
Up to 2019, these costs were borne only by members booked in the official accommodation and included in the corresponding price. To be more equitable, the CA decided to redistribute these rexpenses amongst all participants and so, from 2020, an Organisation costs package was created for those members who arrange their own board and lodging. Booking this package gives them access to the guide book (except for associate members), to the welcome and farewell drinks, to the accommodation’s facilities (bar, bike store etc) and other activities. This package includes costs linked to the tourism charter of the Chambre des Associations. Associate members, accompanying FFO members, are kindly invited to our welcome and farewell parties, but are not covered by the insurances.
The séjours not being accessible, for legal reasons, to other than Club members, please make sure your subscription is up to date before sending you booking form.
Please note, the booking form below comprises three pages : the booking itself (please fill all the applicable sections and sign at the bottom of the page), and the booking conditions, the special conditions of the participant only package, the cancelling repatriation guarantees and the COVID 19 rules. If you want to bring your partner with you, please sign them up as an associate member with your Territorial or National Delegate and don’t forget to write their associate membership number in the appropriate space.
If, and only if, a participant does not have FFCT insurance, they must also take out the compulsory insurance.
You can pay for the booking bycheque or by bank transfer to the Club’s account. Given the extra costs imposed by the body that runs it, we do not take payments by PayPal.
Bookings are dealt with in order of sending of payment, defined by postmark or date of bank transfer (please send us a copy of the transfer order).A waiting list will be established once all available places are filled.
For all séjours, we try to satisfy as far as possible the desires of all, notably for those who wish to share a room with someone in particular. For this séjour, given that we have rooms in three different establishments of the same level of comfort and of price, unless you specifically ask, you will be given a room in any one of the three indifferently. If you want to form a group with your friends in the same hotel, please let us know when you send your booking (by post or by Email) by precisely specifying the list of members that you want to be with in the same hotel. We will do our utmost to satisfy you.
Pour résumer :
- If you want full board accommodation, choose the package at 525€ and add the “organisation cost package” at 21€ = 546€ ;
- If you only need the evening meals, choose the package at 129€ and add “organisation cost package” at 21€= 150€ ;
- If you want to arrange your own bed and board ; choose the”organisation cost package” at 21€ ;
- If you take Gritchen insurance, its cost is 2,34 % of the total of your packages with a minimum of 8 euros for one person and 16 euros minimum for a couple
- If you do not have FFCT insurance, add the obligatory insurance at 7€ per person ;
- If you are an associate member you are exempt from the organisation cost package;
- If you are a couple in which one is an associate member without FFCT membership and you would like to take out Gritchen insurance you should choose 2 packages at 525€, 1 organisation cost package at 21€, making 1071€, then you add Gritchen insurance 2,34×1071=25,07€ (which is above the minimum of 16€) and the non FFCT insurance at 7€, making a total of 1103,07€
- If you want to form a small group in the same hotel, mention it seperately. We will do our best to satisfy you ;
- Given the particular sleeping arrangements (two mattresses on a double bed), for single participants, bookings that do not mention who they want to share a room with will not be taken into account.
Supplementary information will be published on our site that you can consult. Each time there is something the sejours ofdficer will put a short message on the Discussion List.
If you want to receive these Emails, please subscribe to the Discussion List.(if you have not already)
To book, download the pdf booking form with the link below and follow the instructions found within.
The last date for bookings is 19 mars 2023.
Download the bookingform :
Bulletin d’Inscription Todtmoos
Todmtoos booking form
Modulo d’iscrizione Todtmoos
You can look through the Séjour guidebook that will be given out during the séjour and that contains, apart from welcome messages, information about the region and access, security information and the detailed descriptions of the circuits.
And as ever trombinoscope, that’s not so new anymore :
When we meet up at our séjours (and other events), we meet lots of friends and familiar faces without knowing all their names, and we don’t always like to ask them. To try and remedy this, as was announced at the GA at Bedoin, we display, alongside the ride maps, a trombinoscope, with the photo, the name and the membership number of all who have sent (either before, or with their booking for the séjour) their photo and the authorisation to publish it on the trombinoscope page the Club’s website.
You can send your digital photo of your face only seen from the front and without a helmet in the form of a jpg file of good definition and quality, with width to height of 3:4, mentioning your name and your membership number, to , or directly to who will send it on.
Please tick the box yes or no on the booking form according to your choice. If niether is ticked, it will be taken as negative negative. If you have already sent a photo for the Trombinoscope to the Club or for a preceding sejour, you don’t need to send it again, it will be automatically put on the trombinoscope of séjour.
Other activities or visits
The « Hochkopf »
At an altitude of 1263m (4144ft), you’ll enjoy a clear view of the alpine scenery when the weather is fine. It offers hikers and mountain-bikers various itineraries of diffferent levels of difficulty. It is surrounded by flowery valleys, wild gorges and mild hill slopes. Amateur winter sports can practise long-distance skiing or snowshoeing around the « Hochkopf ». With 60-cm-deep snow (24in.) and marvellously located long-distance-ski itineraries, Todtmoos offers ideal conditions, especially for families.
Heimethus local history museum
Located in a 17th-century house typical of the Black Forest, it presents the working and living conditions in Todtmoos, as well as crafstmanship, agriculture, ore mining, pilgrimage history in Todtmoos, souvenirs of the spa resort…
« Hoffnungsstollen » mine
The mine was mentioned for the first time in a 1798 document. Pyrrhotite and nickel was extracted upto 1937. The mine was re-opened as a museum in 2000. The whole mine has been converted so that all public can come for a visit. So it is accessible for pushchairs and wheel chair users.
Todtmooser waterfall
The fall spans 40 m (132ft) over the Rütteback river between Todtmooser Rütte and Hintertodtmoos districts. At a staggering 7 m (21ft), it is the highest in the area.
The surrounding area
- Bernau : Hans-Thoma Museum (a German painter, 1839-1924)
- Resenhof, wood carver and farmer museum
- St Blasein : The third largest dome-topped church in the world
- Former convent and « Kolleg St Blasien » private school
- Bad Säckingen : Historic old city
- The longest roofed wooden bridge in Europe
- Fribourg : Fribourg old town with it famous « Bächle » (small water-filled runnels) and numerous historic buildings
- Oberried : Wildlife park, summer toboggan
- Gutach : « Vogtsbauernhöfe » open-air museum with its typical old farms and cottages.
- The pompon hats (Bollenhut) come from this area
- Blumberg : « Sauschhwänzlebahn », a 25-km-long (16mi) steam train track