Semaine europeenne at Plasencia – Spain – 1 to 8 July 2023
The UECT – Union Européenne de Cyclotourisme – and the FECT – Fédération Espagnole de Cyclotourisme -, 2 federations in partnership with the du Club des Cents Cols, are together organising the traditional Semaine Européenne 2023.

It’s a very touristic region. And mountainous. Ideal for a stay mixing tourism and cycling.
The Club des Cent Cols has participated in devising the circuits, all of them on the road :
- 3 circular routes starting from Palencia, in « Russian dolls » of 50, 80, 120 km and of 800 to 2000 m of climbing, including up to 6 cols
- 1 route, starting slightly remotely (40 km from Plasencia) : 80 km, 1500 m+of climbing, 15 cols.
- And there are others to do in the area.

A destination to think about and to make a space for in your diary.
More informations: