A glance at the workings of Veloenfrance
Veloenfrance, is a website of the FFCT => https://veloenfrance.fr/
It has recently much developed and now it offeres a multitude of information and various
functions for cycletourists and randonneurs. The Club des Cent Cols is a partner of the FFCT
and takes part in the improvement in quality of veloenfrance.
1 – The Club des Cent Cols members’ orientation is naturally towards cols. In
veloenfrance, you can find the position of more than 12000 road and rough stuff cols (some of the latter 100 % rideable) located in 10 European countries.
To do this, there are two possibilities:
Click on “Défis” on the menu, then on “les Cent Cols” to get to the map of cols
- Or click on “Découvrir” in the lower part of the home page
Zooming in on the map, each col appears individually and it’s then possible to know everything about the col by clicking on “Plus d’infos “
2 – The Randonnées Permanentes of the Club des Cent Cols are also there on
Some are from point to point, others are circular and others comprise several circular rides. That’s why there are 24 Randonnées permanentes but 68 departure points.
Click on “Circuits” on the menu, then again on “Circuits“, and in the filter select “Grands itinéraires” and demand “Randonnées du club des Cent Cols” in “Sélectionnez”.
By zooming in on the map, each starting point appears. By clicking on this point, the randonnée’s route appears together with
some details. “Plus d’infos” has a fuller description of the ride.
3 – To find the Club des Cent Cols in “la liste”
of “Clubs”, the most obvious is to type the club’s name (club des cent cols) in
“rechercher” then open “site web” of the club (the “plus d’infos” link opens a
location page for the club at Annecy) : :
4 – Veloenfrance has a lot of other information to offer
- Clicking on “Agendas” on the menu, you get all the randonnées offered by the clubs of the FFCT and you can choose them via the map or from the list.
- Clicking on “Défis” opens:
- The position of the sites of the “BCN-BPF”
- The Diagonales
- Clicking on “Voyages” opens :
- Recommended addresses and Cycl’hôtes
- Stays organised by the FFCT
4 – A new function is offered on veloenfrance for FFCT members : charting its own
For that, open “circuits” and click on “Créer un itinéraire”. According to your choice
(vélo, vélo de route, VTT), click on the map at successive points to automatically
make your itinerary with distance and the amount of climbing shown.
Several additional options are offered including one to visualise the position of cols
on your route by “Défis”.
All you need to do then is to export your route’s gpx to a file of your choice or to your
GPS to use on the ground.